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University of New Haven demographics: What's the community like?

Hi all! I'm interested in attending the University of New Haven and wanted some insight into the student demographics on campus. Are there any current or past students who can share their experiences about the campus community?

7 months ago

Hi there! I understand that getting a sense of the campus community is crucial when making your college decision. Although I'm not a past or current student at the University of New Haven, I can provide some information about the student demographic makeup at the university.

According to the latest data, the total undergraduate student enrollment is approximately 4,865. The gender distribution is fairly even, with an approximate 50-50 split between male and female students. As for race/ethnicity, 42% of the students identify as White, 13% identify as Hispanic or Latino, 9% identify as Black or African American, and 3% identify as Asian. International students make up about 30% of the student body. The remaining percentages identify as American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, two or more races, or not reported.

The University of New Haven is known for its diverse campus, with students hailing from over 50 countries. This leads to a rich cultural environment and increased opportunities for students to learn from one another's backgrounds and experiences. Additionally, there are over 150 clubs and organizations on campus, catering to various interests. Through these clubs and organizations, students can meet like-minded peers and engage in opportunities to further enhance their college experience.

It's important to bear in mind that the experience of each student will vary, and it's recommended to visit the campus (if possible) or attend virtual events to get a better feel for the atmosphere and community.

I hope this gives you a general idea of the demographics and community at the University of New Haven. Good luck with your college search!

7 months ago

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