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US Naval Academy SAT

Hey everyone, I'm contemplating applying to the US Naval Academy and I am curious about the SAT scores they're looking for. Does anyone have any idea of the average SAT scores of accepted students? Appreciate any help!

7 months ago

Hello! The United States Naval Academy (USNA) is a highly competitive institution. For the Class of 2024, the middle 50% of admitted students had SAT Reading and Writing scores between 630 and 760, and SAT Math scores between 620 and 750.

Keep in mind that the Naval Academy values applicants with a strong academic background and demonstrated leadership potential. In addition to your SAT scores, they will also consider your class rank, GPA, extracurricular involvement, and physical fitness test scores when evaluating your application.

It's important to maintain a well-rounded profile to increase your chances of getting accepted to the USNA. If your SAT scores are within the ranges mentioned or even higher, you'll be a competitive applicant. However, if they're lower, you can still strengthen your application by emphasizing your involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and other achievements that showcase your potential as a future Navy and Marine Corps officer. Good luck with your application!

7 months ago

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