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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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3.5 GPA college acceptance - What are my chances?

I'm a high school junior with a 3.5 GPA and starting to think about the college admissions process. Are there any good colleges that I'd have a solid chance at getting into with this GPA? Any recommendations for schools with strong programs in my range?

5 months ago

With a 3.5 GPA, you are still in a good position to get into numerous colleges. However, to better assess your chances, it would be helpful to know other aspects of your profile, such as the rigor of your coursework, test scores (if available), extracurricular involvement, and any areas of academic or extracurricular interest.

Regardless, a 3.5 GPA will be competitive at many mid-tier colleges and some selective schools, depending on the other factors mentioned. Here are a few recommendations for schools known to have strong programs in various fields and are likely within your range:

1. Arizona State – Renowned for engineering, business, and education programs among many others.

2. Syracuse University – Offers strong programs in communications, environmental science, and visual and performing arts.

3. Clemson University – Strong programs in biosystems engineering, marketing, and material science.

Keep in mind that requirements for each college can vary, so research the specific requirements for each school. Additionally, consider applying to a few reach schools if you have any in mind. It's not uncommon for colleges to accept students with strong extracurriculars, essays, or other factors, even if their GPA may be slightly lower than the average admitted student.

As you prepare for the college admissions process, make sure to focus on maintaining or even improving your GPA during your senior year. It's also important to engage in extracurricular activities that demonstrate your passion and leadership abilities.

Ultimately, don't be discouraged by your current GPA. Many colleges take a holistic approach when reviewing applications, so think about the whole picture of your application, including grades, test scores, extracurricular involvement, personal essays, and letters of recommendation. Good luck!

5 months ago

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