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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to determine letter grade for 32/36?

Just got my score back for an exam and ended up with a 32/36. I'm not certain about what letter grade that corresponds to. Does anyone know a way to figure this out?

5 months ago

It's essential to keep in mind that the conversion of a numerical score to a letter grade can vary depending on the grading scale used by your school, class, or instructor. That being said, you can use a general percentage-based grading scale as a reference. I'll show you a simple way to do this, but you should check with your instructor or school to confirm their specific grading scales.

First, convert your score to a percentage by dividing your score (32) by the total possible points (36).

32 ÷ 36 ≈ 0.89 (or 89%)

Next, use the percentage to gauge the letter grade. A common letter grade scale looks like this:

- A: 90-100%

- B: 80-89%

- C: 70-79%

- D: 60-69%

- F: 0-59%

Based on this scale, your score of 89% would correspond to a letter grade of B. However, please be aware that your school or instructor may use a different grading scale. It's best to consult your course syllabus, ask your instructor, or check your school's policies to get the most accurate representation of your letter grade.

5 months ago

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