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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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List of public universities in Washington State?

Hi guys! I'm trying to research public universities in Washington State, but I'm struggling to find a list of all of them. Can someone help me out and provide a list of the public universities in Washington? Thanks!

5 months ago

Hi! I'd be happy to help you with a list of public universities in Washington State. Here are the main public universities in Washington:

1. University of Washington (UW) - Seattle, WA

2. Washington State University (WSU) - Pullman, WA

3. Western Washington University (WWU) - Bellingham, WA

4. Eastern Washington University (EWU) - Cheney, WA

5. Central Washington University (CWU) - Ellensburg, WA

6. The Evergreen State College - Olympia, WA

Additionally, Washington State has a comprehensive system of community and technical colleges that offer a range of programs, including associate degrees and opportunities to transfer to 4-year universities. Some of the larger ones include:

1. Bellevue College - Bellevue, WA

2. Seattle Central College - Seattle, WA

3. Spokane Community College - Spokane, WA

I hope this helps you in your research! Be sure to visit the specific university websites for more information about their programs, campus life, and admissions processes.

5 months ago

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