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Gonzaga University Admission Requirements

I've been looking into Gonzaga University, and I was wondering if anyone knows about their admission requirements? Like what GPA, test scores, and the sort of extracurriculars they look for?

5 months ago

Gonzaga University uses a holistic approach when reviewing applicants, meaning they'll consider several factors beyond just GPA and test scores. However, I can provide you with some general information regarding their admission requirements.

1. GPA: Gonzaga's average admitted student GPA falls around 3.70 (unweighted). However, they look at your course rigor as well, so having AP or IB classes in challenging subjects can help bolster your application.

2. Test Scores: Gonzaga has gone test-optional, so you are not required to submit SAT or ACT scores. However, if you feel that your scores are competitive and would strengthen your application, you can still submit them. The middle 50% SAT scores for admitted students at Gonzaga are 1240-1400, while ACT scores range from 26 to 31.

3. Extracurriculars: Gonzaga values well-rounded and engaged students who can contribute to their community. They look for diverse and meaningful involvement in extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, volunteering, or local organizations. Demonstrating leadership and commitment in these activities is essential. Gonzaga is particularly interested in students who can showcase community engagement or global perspectives.

Keep in mind that Gonzaga will also consider your personal essays, recommendations, and any special talents or unique circumstances. It's important to craft a strong, well-rounded application that showcases your strengths and what makes you unique. Take the time to craft compelling essays and secure strong recommendation letters to give yourself the best chance of admission.

5 months ago

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