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The Citadel Admission Requirements

Hey guys, I've been exploring The Citadel as a college option, but I'm unsure about what they require for admission. Can someone fill me in on their GPA, test score, and extracurricular expectations?

5 months ago

Hello! The Citadel, also known as The Military College of South Carolina, is a unique institution with specific admissions requirements. Here's an overview of what to expect.

GPA: The Citadel usually admits students with a solid academic background. Their average high school GPA for incoming freshmen is around 3.79 on an unweighted 4.0 scale, so it would be beneficial if you have a GPA close to or above this average.

Test Scores: The Citadel is test optional. This means you have the choice to submit your ACT or SAT scores if you think they will enhance your application. If you do decide to submit test scores, here are the typical score ranges for accepted students:

- SAT: 1100-1260 (ERW+Math)

- ACT: 22-26 (Composite)

Keep in mind that being in or above these score ranges will make your application more competitive.

Extracurriculars: While The Citadel does not have specific extracurricular prerequisites, they do value leadership, service, and discipline, given their military focus. Engaging in extracurricular activities that display these qualities (e.g., JROTC, Civil Air Patrol, or community service projects) can strengthen your application. Additionally, being involved in activities that showcase your dedication and commitment to personal growth and character development will leave a positive impression on the admissions committee.

Make sure to thoroughly review The Citadel's website for the most updated requirements and recommendations. Furthermore, it's essential to submit a well-rounded application that highlights your strengths, interest in The Citadel's values, and your potential to succeed as a cadet at the college.

Good luck, and let me know if you have any more questions!

5 months ago

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