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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Aggie grade calculator

Does anybody know if there's a grade calculator specifically for Aggie students? It would be super helpful to see my current grade standing and calculate what I need to score on my exams to maintain my GPA.

5 months ago

Yes, there's a GPA calculator specifically designed for Texas A&M University (Aggie) students called the TAMU GPA calculator. This is an online tool that can help you calculate your current GPA, as well as project what grades you'll need to achieve your desired overall GPA.

To use this calculator, simply input your semester course details such as course names, credit hours, and current or projected grades. The calculator will automatically compute your semester GPA and adjusted cumulative GPA. Keep in mind that while this tool provides helpful projections, your official GPA will be determined by the university.

You can find the TAMU GPA calculator by searching for "TAMU GPA calculator" on your preferred search engine. Best of luck with your grades, and I hope this tool helps you plan and achieve your academic goals!

5 months ago

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