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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Arizona State University acceptance rate and GPA?

Hey peeps, I'm really interested in applying to Arizona State University, but I'm a little bit stressed about their acceptance rate and average GPA. Can someone help me understand if this might be a reach or a match/target school for me? My current unweighted GPA is 3.7.

5 months ago

Arizona State University (ASU) is known for having a relatively high acceptance rate compared to other schools. For the fall 2023 admissions cycle, ASU's acceptance rate was around 90.2%, making it less selective and, therefore, more accessible to a wide range of applicants.

Regarding the average GPA, ASU's admitted students had an average high school unweighted GPA of approximately 3.54 for the fall 2023 admissions cycle. With your unweighted GPA of 3.7, you are above the average for admitted students, which is a positive sign for your chances of being accepted to ASU.

Given these figures, ASU seems to be more of a match/target school for you rather than a reach, based on your current GPA. However, keep in mind that admissions are not solely based on GPA and acceptance rates—they also take other factors into account, such as standardized test scores, extracurricular involvement, essays, and more. It's essential to focus on crafting a well-rounded application to improve your chances further.

5 months ago

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