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Looking for colleges near Annandale, VA

Hey everyone, I'm currently a junior and I'm starting my college search. I live in Annandale, VA and I'm wondering if there are any good colleges in the area or nearby? I'm open to different types of schools, so any suggestions would be appreciated!

7 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're starting your college search early. Living in Annandale, VA, you have quite a few options in terms of colleges near you. Here's a list of a few colleges in the area and within driving distance, with varying sizes and types:

1. George Mason University (Fairfax, VA): George Mason is the largest public university in Virginia and offers a great variety of majors and programs. It's only about 10 miles from Annandale.

2. Northern Virginia Community College (Annandale, VA): NOVA is a 2-year community college right in your town, and it has transfer agreements with several universities throughout the state, making it a great starting point if you're considering transferring to a 4-year university later.

3. Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.): Georgetown is an esteemed private university known for its strong programs in business, international relations, and the liberal arts. About 15 miles away from Annandale.

4. American University (Washington, D.C.): American University, also in D.C., is a private institution with strong programs in public affairs, international relations, and communications. It's around 15 miles away as well.

5. University of Maryland (College Park, MD): A large public research university with a wide range of majors and disciplines, located roughly 25 miles from Annandale.

6. George Washington University (Washington, D.C.): Another private institution in D.C., GWU has strong programs in political science, business, economics, and other liberal arts disciplines. It's approximately 15 miles from Annandale.

7. The Catholic University of America (Washington, D.C.): This private university has a strong focus on liberal arts and offers undergraduate programs in the arts and sciences, music, architecture, and engineering. It's about 15 miles from Annandale.

These are just a few options in your area, and I encourage you to take the time to research these colleges to see which one appeals to you the most. Be sure to visit the campuses, if possible, and attend open houses or information sessions to get a better feel for the school culture and environment. Good luck with your search!

7 months ago

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