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Hawaii College Acceptance Rates?

Hey, I'm considering attending college in Hawaii and I was wondering if anyone knows the acceptance rates for colleges there? I'd appreciate any information on admissions competitiveness, especially for schools with strong marine biology or environmental science programs.

7 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering attending college in Hawaii. The state has some unique opportunities for those interested in marine biology or environmental science programs. I'll provide some information on a few notable institutions in Hawaii and their acceptance rates.

1. University of Hawaii at Manoa (UH Manoa): The largest and most comprehensive university in the state, UH Manoa has an acceptance rate of around 68%. UH Manoa has the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, which offers excellent research opportunities for students interested in marine biology. The School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology also offers a strong environmental science program.

2. University of Hawaii at Hilo (UH Hilo): UH Hilo has an acceptance rate of about 51%. This university also has strong programs in marine science and environmental science, along with access to unique ecosystems and environments not found elsewhere.

3. Hawaii Pacific University (HPU): A private university with an acceptance rate of around 85%, HPU offers students opportunities in marine biology and environmental science programs. With its location in Honolulu, HPU gives students access to various aquatic habitats for hands-on learning and research.

4. Chaminade University of Honolulu: A private Catholic university with an acceptance rate of 93%, Chaminade offers a solid undergraduate environmental studies program. While they do not have a dedicated marine biology program, the environmental studies program allows flexibility for students to take related courses.

Keep in mind that while knowing acceptance rates can be helpful, it's also important to consider factors like class size, research opportunities, and resources available to students in your field of interest. Make sure to explore the schools' websites and get in touch with admissions to clarify any questions about their programs. Good luck!

7 months ago

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