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What colleges are near Joplin, Missouri?

I'm currently a junior exploring college options near Joplin, Missouri. Are there any schools in the area with strong programs or a good reputation?

7 months ago

There are several colleges near Joplin, Missouri, that offer a range of programs and have good reputations. Here's a list of some colleges and universities in and around the Joplin area:

1. Missouri Southern State University (MSSU): Located in Joplin itself, MSSU offers various undergraduate degrees across disciplines, including business, education, engineering & technology, liberal arts, and health sciences. The university is known for its affordable tuition and strong programs in nursing, business, and criminal justice.

2. Pittsburg State University (PSU): Just across the state line in Kansas, about 30 miles from Joplin, PSU offers more than 200 academic programs, including business, education, technology, construction engineering technology, and polymer chemistry. PSU is known for its strong programs in education, fine arts, and engineering.

3. Northwest Arkansas Community College (NWACC): Approximately 75 miles from Joplin, NWACC is a two-year college offering associate degrees and certification programs in fields like business & IT, healthcare, and arts & humanities. Transferring to a four-year institution after completing courses at NWACC is a common path for many students.

4. University of Arkansas (UofA): Located in Fayetteville, Arkansas, approximately 100 miles away from Joplin, UofA is a well-regarded public research university. They have a wide range of degree programs, with strong programs in engineering, business, architecture, and agriculture, among others.

5. Missouri State University (MSU): In Springfield, Missouri, about 70 miles from Joplin, MSU is a comprehensive public university with a broad range of programs available. They have strong programs in healthcare, natural & applied sciences, business, and education.

6. Drury University: Also in Springfield, Drury University is a private liberal arts college that offers both undergraduate and graduate programs. The university has a strong focus on liberal arts, professional studies, and community service.

These are just a few options in the Joplin area to consider. As you explore schools, remember to consider factors such as the size of the institution, available majors and minors, campus culture, and financial aid opportunities to ensure that you find the best fit for your personal and academic interests.

7 months ago

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