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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Exploring colleges in Mitchell, SD?

Hey everyone! I've been looking into colleges and Mitchell, South Dakota caught my eye. Do any of you have recommendations or experiences related to colleges in the area? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Mitchell, South Dakota is home to Dakota Wesleyan University (DWU), a private liberal arts university. DWU has a relatively small student body of about 1,000 students, which can provide a more tight-knit community and personalized learning experience compared to larger schools. The university is affiliated with the United Methodist Church, and while it embraces religious values, students of all faiths are welcome.

DWU offers a range of majors across different disciplines, such as business, healthcare, education, and the arts. It has a strong focus on community engagement, with many students participating in volunteer programs and service-learning opportunities. In terms of athletics, DWU competes in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) as part of the Great Plains Athletic Conference (GPAC).

One unique aspect of DWU is its emphasis on collaborative research through the Digital DWU initiative, which aims to encourage digital scholarship, communication, and collaboration among students and faculty across disciplines. This focus on digital competence can be beneficial for students in today's technology-driven job market.

If you're considering DWU, it's a good idea to visit the campus and attend any information sessions or open house events to get a better feel for the university's culture, atmosphere, and offerings. This will help you determine if it might be the right fit for you academically and personally.

Additionally, if you're open to exploring other colleges in South Dakota, you may want to consider options like South Dakota State University, University of South Dakota, or Augustana University, which are located in other parts of the state and offer a variety of academic and extracurricular opportunities.

7 months ago

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