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Options for colleges around Springfield, IL?

Hey all! I'm searching for colleges near Springfield, Illinois. What are some schools in the area that are worth applying to?

7 months ago

Hello! Springfield, Illinois, has a few college options in and around the area that you might find appealing. Here's a list of some schools to consider:

1. University of Illinois Springfield (UIS): UIS is located in Springfield and is part of the well-respected University of Illinois system. UIS offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, and it's known for its strong programs in online education, public affairs, and computer science.

2. Lincoln Land Community College (LLCC): LLCC is a two-year community college in Springfield that offers a variety of associate degrees and certificate programs. It's an excellent option for students looking to complete general education requirements before transferring to a four-year institution.

3. Illinois College: Located about 40 miles west of Springfield in Jacksonville, Illinois College is a small private liberal arts college that offers a variety of undergraduate majors and minors. It's known for its personalized learning experience and strong pre-med, education, and nursing programs.

4. Millikin University: Approximately 45 miles east of Springfield in Decatur, Millikin University is a small, private university that emphasizes experiential learning. It's renowned for its business, fine arts, and nursing programs.

5. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE): SIUE is located about 90 miles south of Springfield in Edwardsville. As part of the Southern Illinois University system, this public university offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs. Engineering, business, and education are a few of their notable fields of study.

Make sure to research each college to see if their offerings match your academic and extracurricular interests. Best of luck with your college search!

7 months ago

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