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Good community colleges in Smyrna, GA?

Hey guys! I'm trying to figure out the college situation, and community college might be my path. Can anyone recommend or share some info about community colleges in the Smyrna, GA area? Any input would be much appreciated!

7 months ago

Hey there! It's great that you're considering community colleges as an educational path. Within the wider Smyrna, GA area, you'll find a few community colleges to choose from. Here are a couple of options you can look into:

1. Chattahoochee Technical College: With its campus in Marietta, GA, which is quite close to Smyrna, Chattahoochee Technical College is a popular choice for many students in the region. They offer a diverse range of programs, including health sciences, business, computer science, automotive technology, and more. The college is part of the Technical College System of Georgia and offers associate degrees, diplomas, and certificates in various fields.

2. Georgia Highlands College: This college has several campuses, including one in Marietta. Georgia Highlands College focuses on providing affordable and accessible education for students aiming to transfer to four-year institutions or looking to gain workforce-ready skills right away. They offer associate degrees in various fields such as nursing, dental hygiene, psychology, business, and criminal justice.

3. Atlanta Technical College: Located a bit further away in Atlanta, this college is still commutable from Smyrna. It offers a wide range of programs, including everything from allied health and business to media production and manufacturing. As a part of the Technical College System of Georgia, Atlanta Technical College offers associate degrees, diplomas, and technical certificates of credit in over 100 programs of study.

Each of these community colleges has its own unique strengths, so explore their websites, attend open houses or information sessions, and speak with current students or alumni to get a better feel for which one might be the best fit for your educational and career goals. Good luck with your search!

7 months ago

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