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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

CSUF Grade Calculator: Anyone have a recommendation?

Hi guys, I'm a CSUF student and I wanted to know if anyone has a good recommendation for a grade calculator tailored to CSUF's grading system. It'd be helpful for calculating my GPA and assessing my academic performance. Thanks!

7 months ago

Hello! While there may not be a grade calculator specifically tailored to CSUF (California State University, Fullerton), you can still use general college grade calculators to calculate your GPA and estimate your academic performance. Most grade calculators allow you to input your courses, credits, and grades so that they can calculate your cumulative GPA. One popular grade calculator you can try is the one provided by CollegeVine at:

When using any grade calculator, be sure to consult CSUF's grading system and policies so you can correctly input weightings, credits, and any other relevant parameters. You can usually find this information in your course syllabus, catalog, or online on the school's website. It's also important to remember that while grade calculators can provide a general estimate of your GPA, it's always best to consult your academic advisor or official transcript for the most accurate representation of your academic performance. Good luck with your studies!

7 months ago

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