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Dartmouth vs Colgate: any thoughts?

I got accepted into both Dartmouth and Colgate, but I'm having a tough time deciding which one to attend. Can anyone share their experiences or thoughts on these two schools?

7 months ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Dartmouth and Colgate are both excellent institutions, but they do have some notable differences.

Academic Experience:

Dartmouth is an Ivy League school with an excellent research reputation. The school is known for its strong programs in a variety of subjects, including economics, government, and environmental studies. The D-Plan, Dartmouth's unique quarter system, allows for greater flexibility in course scheduling, as well as potential off-campus and study-abroad opportunities in each quarter.

Colgate, on the other hand, is a top liberal arts college with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary learning and small class sizes. It offers a personalized learning experience with a tight-knit community. Colgate is also known for having a strong alumni network and great career services.

Campus and Social Life:

Dartmouth, located in Hanover, New Hampshire, is known for its picturesque, rural setting. Its location contributes to a strong sense of community and school spirit. The Greek life is a large part of Dartmouth's social scene, and there are numerous clubs and organizations you can get involved in.

Colgate is located in Hamilton, New York, which is also a small, rural town. The campus offers a scenic environment, and there's a strong emphasis on outdoor activities. Greek life is also present at Colgate, although it is not as prominent as at Dartmouth. Colgate has more than 150 clubs and organizations, providing various ways for students to engage with the community.

Financial Considerations:

Although both schools are generous with financial aid, it's crucial to review the financial aid packages you received from each school. Ivy League schools like Dartmouth tend to have strong financial aid programs that can make a significant impact on the overall cost of attendance.

In summary, your choice depends on what you're looking for in a college experience. If you want a research-oriented Ivy League with a flexible academic calendar and a strong Greek life presence, Dartmouth could be a better fit. If you prefer a more intimate, liberal arts experience with small class sizes and numerous outdoor activities, you might lean toward Colgate. Be sure to consider your intended major, financial aid packages, and the type of campus community that you feel most comfortable in. Good luck with your decision!

7 months ago

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