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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Diversity at Denison University?

Hi there, I am seriously considering applying to Denison University. I would like to know more about the diversity on campus. Can anyone provide insights into how diverse Denison is, and how the university supports students from various backgrounds?

7 months ago

Denison University is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive campus environment. As of Fall 2021, about 31% of Denison's undergraduate population identified as students of color, which includes African American, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American students.

Denison offers a variety of programs and resources to support students from diverse backgrounds. One such resource is the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA), which provides support, advocacy, and programming to empower students from underrepresented communities. They offer numerous cultural and identity-based student organizations to foster engagement and understanding among different groups.

Additionally, Denison has the First Generation Network—a support system to help first-generation college students navigate the challenges of higher education. Furthermore, the school offers financial aid packages to ensure students with limited financial resources have an opportunity to attend Denison.

Denison's Center for Cross-Cultural Engagement, which includes both the International Student Services office and OMSA, plays a significant role in promoting cross-cultural awareness and understanding among all students. The center offers event programming, dialogues, and workshops to engage the campus community in conversations about diversity and inclusion.

Overall, Denison's commitment to building a diverse and inclusive campus is evident through its various programs, resources, and student organizations. While there's always room for growth, the university is continually working to ensure that students from various backgrounds feel welcomed and supported on campus.

7 months ago

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