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Rutgers University Financial Info?

Hey all! I'm currently a junior, and I'm interested in Rutgers University. What are the costs of attending Rutgers? I'm looking for details like tuition, fees, and living expenses. Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Hey! Rutgers University is a great choice, and it's smart to consider the financial aspects of attending. I'm happy to provide you with information on tuition, fees, and living expenses for Rutgers. Keep in mind these figures are for the 2024-2025 academic year and may change slightly in the future.

For in-state students, the annual tuition and fees at Rutgers University-New Brunswick are approximately $17,239. For out-of-state students, the cost is higher, at around $36,001 per year.

Room and board costs vary depending on the type of housing and meal plan you choose, but the average cost starts around $14,715 per year.

Additionally, you should also budget for textbooks and supplies, which can amount to about $1,350 annually. Personal and transportation expenses can range from $3,000 to $5,000 per year but will depend on your individual needs and situation.


1. In-state students: Approximately $36,304-$38,304 per year

2. Out-of-state students: Approximately $55,066-$57,066 per year

It's important to consider that these figures are just estimates and that financial aid, grants, and scholarships can significantly reduce your costs. To get a more accurate estimate of your costs at Rutgers, I recommend utilizing their Net Price Calculator, which can factor in your unique financial situation and potential aid.

Remember that applying for scholarships, both within the university and externally, can help reduce out-of-pocket costs. Rutgers offers various scholarship options based on merit, need, and specific criteria, so make sure to explore those resources during your application process.

Good luck with your college search!

7 months ago

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