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University of Colorado Attendance?

Hi! I've been looking into the University of Colorado system and I'm trying to get a sense of the attendance at the various campuses. Anybody know the approximate student populations for these schools? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Certainly! The University of Colorado system consists of four campuses: Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, and the Anschutz Medical Campus. Here's a breakdown of their approximate student populations for the recent academic years:

1. University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) - This is the largest campus in the system, with around 37,000 students enrolled, including both undergraduate and graduate students.

2. University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) - The Colorado Springs campus has a smaller enrollment, with around 12,000 students, including both undergraduate and graduate students.

3. University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver) - The Denver campus enrolls around 17,000 students, including both undergraduates and graduate students.

4. University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus - This campus is dedicated to health sciences and medicine, with around 4,000 students enrolled across various health-related programs, including medical, dental, nursing, pharmacy, and public health schools.

These numbers are approximate and can change slightly from year to year, but they should give you a decent idea of the size and student populations for each of the University of Colorado campuses.

7 months ago

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