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Ferris State University Fees?

Hey, I'm considering Ferris State University for my college education. Does anyone know about the fees that may not be included in the initial tuition cost? It would be really helpful in my decision-making process.

13 days ago

Hello! Ferris State University, like most colleges, has additional fees outside of just tuition. For Ferris State, some of these additional costs you may be expected to cover during your college education include:

1. Housing and meal plans: These costs can vary depending on the type of dormitory and meal plan you choose. Typically, on-campus housing options range from $2,500 to $4,000 per semester, while meal plans usually range from $1,000 to $2,600 per semester.

2. Books and supplies: The average estimated cost of books and supplies per year at Ferris State University is around $1,000. However, this can vary depending on your program and course load.

3. Technology fee: Ferris State University students are typically charged around $150 per semester for technology fees. This is used to support computer labs and technology infrastructure on campus.

4. Course-specific fees: Some courses may have additional fees, such as lab fees associated with science classes or art classes requiring special materials. These fees vary depending on the specific class and your major.

5. Health insurance: Ferris State may require students to have health insurance or participate in the university-sponsored health insurance plan if they don't have their own coverage. The cost of this insurance depends on the plan you choose.

6. Personal expenses and transportation: These expenses will differ for every student depending on their lifestyle and how often they travel home or explore the region.

To get a more accurate estimate of what you can expect to pay at Ferris State University, it's a good idea to use their net price calculator, which takes into account your family's financial circumstances and calculates an estimate of your total cost. Visit the university's financial aid website to find the net price calculator and additional information on applying for financial aid, which can be helpful in mitigating some of these costs.

13 days ago

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