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What majors does Freed-Hardeman University offer?

I've heard about Freed-Hardeman University and I'm starting to consider it for my college applications. Does anyone know what majors they offer, and if they're known for any specific programs?

7 months ago

Freed-Hardeman University (FHU) offers a wide range of majors across various disciplines. Some of the academic fields include Arts, Sciences, Business, Education, Nursing, and Theology. Here are some examples of majors within these areas:

1. Arts and Humanities: Art, Design, Theatre, English, Music, and Communication

2. Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics

3. Business: Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing, and Business Administration

4. Education: Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Education, Special Education, Educational Leadership, and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)

5. Nursing: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

6. Theology: Bible, Ministry, and Missions

Freed-Hardeman University is well known for its strong Christian foundation; the university places a significant emphasis on biblical, spiritual, and ethical values throughout its programs. The institution is particularly recognized for its Bible and Ministry programs. Additionally, the College of Education has a strong reputation, with graduates often highly sought after by local school districts.

Of course, these are just a few of the majors offered at FHU. I suggest visiting Freed-Hardeman University's website or contacting their admissions office to get a complete list of majors and detailed information about the programs you're interested in.

7 months ago

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