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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Average GPA at FSU?

Hey guys, I'm applying to FSU and I'm wondering what the average GPA is for admitted students. Knowing this will help me figure out where I stand and if I have a good chance of getting in. Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

The average GPA at Florida State University (FSU) for admitted students tends to fall around a 4.2 weighted high school GPA. This value is a result of calculating GPA using the FSU scale, where they weight honors, AP, and IB courses accordingly. Please be aware that this is an average and not an absolute requirement for admission, as FSU practices a holistic review, taking into consideration other elements like test scores, extracurricular activities, and essays.

If your GPA falls close to or above this average, you would be considered a competitive applicant in terms of your academic performance. However, if your GPA is slightly below this number, don't be discouraged; you can always strengthen other areas of your application, such as essays and extracurricular activities, to make up for it. Good luck with your application!

7 months ago

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