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FSU vs. UF acceptance rates?

Hi guys, I'm currently a high school junior, and I'm researching Florida schools. Just wondering, what are the differences in acceptance rates between FSU and UF? Which one is generally harder to get into?

7 months ago

FSU (Florida State University) and UF (University of Florida) are both well-regarded public universities in Florida, but their acceptance rates vary. As of the most recent data, FSU has an acceptance rate of around 25%. On the other hand, UF is known for being more selective, with an acceptance rate of roughly 31%. These percentages may change slightly from year to year.

Based on these numbers, UF is generally harder to get into as compared to FSU due to its lower acceptance rate. However, it's important to remember that admissions are determined holistically, taking into account various factors such as your grades, test scores (if provided), extracurriculars, and essays. It's a good idea to research each school's specific admissions requirements and academic strengths to see which one aligns better with your interests and goals. Good luck with your college search!

7 months ago

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