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What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

gpa 3.5 college

Hey everyone! My current GPA is around a 3.5, and I'm a bit worried it might affect my college admissions chances. Can you guys suggest some good colleges that would accept someone with a 3.5 GPA? Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

7 months ago

Of course! A 3.5 GPA is a solid academic performance, and many colleges will consider you, especially if you have strong extracurricular activities, compelling essays, and good recommendation letters. Additionally, keep in mind that some schools may consider weighted GPAs as well, so if you've taken a rigorous course load with AP or honors classes, that could also work in your favor. Here's a list of some colleges that are known to accept students with a 3.5 GPA:

1. Ohio State University (OSU) - A well-respected public institution with a wide range of programs, including engineering, business, and journalism.

2. University of Connecticut (UConn) - Known for its strong education, healthcare, and business programs, UConn offers a diverse campus experience.

3. University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst) - Offers excellent academic programs in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences, as well as engineering and business.

4. Penn State University (PSU) - With strong programs in engineering, business, agriculture, and liberal arts, PSU provides a range of opportunities for students.

5. Indiana University Bloomington (IU) - Known for its strong music and business programs, as well as a broad range of other majors.

6. University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) - Featuring strong STEM programs, business offerings, and programs in the social sciences and humanities.

7. University of Florida (UF) - A well-rounded public institution with strong programs in many areas, including engineering, business, and the health sciences.

Remember that each college has its own set of criteria in evaluating applicants. Your GPA is just one aspect of your application. Make sure you demonstrate your passion for learning, community involvement, and personal growth through your extracurricular activities and essays. Good luck!

7 months ago

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