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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Bowdoin College demographics?

Hey guys, I'm really interested in Bowdoin and I was wondering what the student demographics look like there. Can anyone give me an idea of the diversity and overall atmosphere on campus? Thanks!

7 months ago

Sure! Bowdoin College, located in Brunswick, Maine, is known for fostering a welcoming and diverse environment. As of Fall 2023, the total undergraduate enrollment was around 1,850 students. Here's a breakdown of the demographics of the Bowdoin student body:

- Race/ethnicity:

- White: 52.5%

- Hispanic: 13.4%

- Asian: 11%

- Black or African American: 5.46%

- Two or more races: 10.16%

- American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.1%

- Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander: 0.16%

- International: 6.97%

- Gender:

- 52% female

- 48% male

- Geographic representation:

- 89% of students are from out of state

- 49 states and 40 countries are represented

- Socioeconomic diversity:

- 44% of students receive need-based financial aid

- 15% are Pell Grant recipients

- 10% are first-generation college students

Bowdoin College is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion on campus, as evidenced by its commitment to need-blind admission and meeting 100% of demonstrated financial need for all accepted students. The environment on campus is often described as friendly, inclusive, and supportive. Bowdoin has various clubs and organizations dedicated to promoting diverse perspectives and fostering an inclusive community, such as the African American Society, the International Student Association, and the Latin American Student Organization.

Overall, the atmosphere at Bowdoin reflects a diverse and welcoming community. It's essential to consider whether you feel comfortable in such an environment when deciding if Bowdoin is the right fit for you.

7 months ago

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