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Typical GPA for University of Colorado admissions?

Hey everyone! Does anyone know what GPA is generally required or recommended for getting into the University of Colorado? I want to know the range I should be aiming for to have a good shot at being accepted. Thanks!

7 months ago

Hey! The University of Colorado (CU) Boulder admits students with a variety of GPA ranges, but to give you a general idea, the average unweighted GPA of accepted students typically is around 3.76 on a 4.0 scale.

This average can vary slightly depending on the specific program or major you're interested in applying for, as some may have higher or lower average GPAs for admitted students. It's also vital to remember that CU Boulder and other universities consider more than just your GPA when evaluating your application, such as your extracurriculars, essays, and letters of recommendation.

In summary, aiming for a GPA at or above 3.76 can improve your chances of being admitted to CU Boulder. Still, keep in mind that applying with a GPA outside of this range won't necessarily disqualify you, as the admissions process considers multiple factors. Good luck!

7 months ago

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