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| 800 verbal


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What ACT scores does University of Tampa typically look for?

Hi there, I'm looking into applying to University of Tampa and I'm wondering what ACT scores they usually expect from applicants. I know it might not be a hard cut-off, but it would be nice to have an idea of what I should be aiming for.

7 months ago

The University of Tampa does not have a hard cut-off for ACT scores, as they consider various factors in the admissions process. However, it is helpful to know the score range that successful applicants typically fall within. For the University of Tampa, the middle 50% of enrolled students have an ACT composite score between 22 and 28. This means that 25% of students score below a 22, while another 25% of students score above a 28.

If you aim for a score within this range, you'll likely be competitive in terms of your ACT score. However, remember that admissions decisions are based on a holistic evaluation, so factors like your GPA, course rigor, extracurricular activities, and essays will also play a crucial role. It's important to focus on these other aspects of your application as well, rather than just concentrating on your test score.

7 months ago

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