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What are the admission requirements for Vanderbilt University?

Hi, I'm aiming to apply to Vanderbilt University, and I'm curious about their admission requirements. Can someone help me understand what I need to focus on? GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, etc? Thanks a bunch!

7 months ago

Hi there! It's excellent that you're planning to apply to Vanderbilt University. Here's a breakdown of their admissions requirements:

1. GPA: Vanderbilt is a highly selective university, and having a high GPA will significantly benefit your application. While there isn't a specific GPA requirement, successful applicants often have impressive academic records. Aim for an unweighted GPA of 3.9 or higher to be competitive.

2. Test Scores: Vanderbilt is test-optional for first-year and transfer applicants. This means you can choose to submit SAT or ACT scores if you believe it'll enhance your application. If you decide to submit test scores, you can refer to the middle 50% of admitted students (note that these ranges change slightly year to year):

- SAT: 1500-1560

- ACT: 34-35

3. Extracurriculars: Vanderbilt values well-rounded applicants who have demonstrated exceptional involvement in extracurricular activities. Aim for 8-10 total activities, with a focus on quality over quantity. Engaging in Tier 1 or Tier 2 extracurriculars (such as national or international awards, or excelling in leadership positions) will surely strengthen your application.

4. Essays: Vanderbilt has a required supplemental essay as part of their application. Spend time crafting unique and thoughtful responses to both you personal statement and supplemental essay that showcase your individuality, passions, and experiences.

5. Letters of Recommendation: You'll need two (2) academic recommendations from teachers who know you well and can vouch for your achievements, work ethic, and potential. Additionally, you can submit a letter from a counselor or another recommender who can speak to your personal qualities.

6. High School Transcript and School Report: Submit your official high school transcript and a school report from your high school counselor. This provides context on your academic performance and the opportunities available at your school.

Remember that Vanderbilt employs a holistic review process, so it's important to excel in each of these areas to improve your overall chances of admission. Good luck with your application!

7 months ago

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