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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Bentley University Acceptance Rates & Tips

Hello everyone, I'm really interested in Bentley University and I was wondering about the acceptance rates and any tips from people who got accepted. What factors do they look for in an applicant? Thanks in advance for any help!

7 months ago

Bentley University has an acceptance rate around 61%, making it a moderately selective institution. To increase your chances of getting accepted, it's crucial to understand what factors they consider when evaluating applicants. While every college has its unique selection criteria, here are some general factors Bentley might look for:

1. Academic performance: Bentley will evaluate your high school transcript, considering your GPA, the rigor of your coursework (honors, AP, IB classes), and class rank (if available). Aim for a strong academic record, excelling in courses related to your intended major.

2. Standardized test scores: Although Bentley is test-optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle, submitting a strong SAT or ACT score may still enhance your application if you feel it reflects your academic abilities.

3. Extracurricular involvement: Bentley values students who are actively engaged in their communities and exhibit leadership, passion, and commitment in their extracurricular activities. Highlight significant accomplishments and leadership roles in your application.

4. Essays: Bentley requires a personal statement and may have additional supplemental essay questions. Make sure your essays are well-written, unique, and demonstrate your personality, interests, and fit for the university. Be sure to research Bentley's programs and culture to show your genuine interest in attending.

5. Letters of recommendation: Bentley requires two letters of recommendation from a teacher or counselor. Choose recommenders who know you well and can speak to your strengths, growth, and potential in a meaningful way.

6. Demonstrated interest: Though not as significant as some other factors, showing your interest in Bentley by visiting the campus, attending informational events, or connecting with current students and alumni can help. It demonstrates your enthusiasm and commitment to the university.

To sum up, focus on maintaining a strong academic record, engaging in meaningful extracurricular activities, writing standout essays, and cultivating relationships with teachers or counselors for strong recommendation letters. Demonstrating genuine interest in Bentley and showcasing how you'd be a great fit for their community can also boost your chances of being accepted. Good luck!

7 months ago

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