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Admission requirements for California Institute of the Arts?

Hey everyone! I'm really interested in applying to the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts). I was wondering if anyone could provide some insight on their admission requirements? I'm especially curious about portfolio expectations and test score requirements (if any). Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Hi there! California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) has a distinct admissions process with specific requirements depending on the program you're applying to. Here's a general overview of their admission requirements and portfolio expectations:

1. Common Application: CalArts uses the Common Application for admission, so you will need to complete that along with the required CalArts supplement, which includes your intended program and any essays or additional requirements specific to that program.

2. School Transcripts: Submit your official high school transcripts or the equivalent, as well as any college/university transcripts if you've completed college-level coursework.

3. Letters of Recommendation: CalArts requires two letters of recommendation. It's a good idea to have one academic reference and one that speaks to your artistic abilities and involvement.

4. English Proficiency: If you're an international student or a non-native English speaker, you'll need to submit English proficiency test scores (TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo).

As for test scores, CalArts has adopted a test-optional policy, meaning you're not required to submit SAT or ACT scores. However, if you believe your test scores will strengthen your application, you can choose to submit them.

Regarding the portfolio, it is an essential part of the application, and expectations vary by program. Generally, CalArts looks for original work that showcases your artistic skills, creativity, and passion for your chosen field. You’ll need to follow the specific guidelines, format, and length requirements for your intended program, which you can find on the CalArts admissions page for that program. Some programs might also require auditions, interviews, or additional application materials.

I hope this helps! Best of luck with your CalArts application!

7 months ago

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