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UOregon majors - what to expect?

Hello everyone! I'm currently looking into the University of Oregon and was wondering if anyone could give me a rundown of the popular or unique majors they offer. Any insight into their academic programs would be greatly appreciated!

7 months ago

As a prospective University of Oregon (UO) student, it's great that you're exploring the academic opportunities available at the university. UO offers a wide range of majors across various fields, and I'll provide an overview of some popular and unique programs you can expect there. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it will give you an idea of what to expect.

1. Journalism and Communications: The UO's School of Journalism and Communication is quite well-regarded, with a long history and strong emphasis on hands-on learning experiences. It offers majors such as Advertising, Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations.

2. Business Administration: UO's Lundquist College of Business offers a comprehensive Business Administration major with various concentrations like Entrepreneurship, Finance, Marketing, or Operations and Business Analytics.

3. Architecture and Design: The College of Design is known for its Architecture and Allied Arts programs. They offer majors like Architecture, Interior Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Product Design, among others.

4. Environmental Studies and Science: UO has a strong focus on environmental sustainability, offering majors such as Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Geology, and Marine Biology.

5. Computer and Information Science: The university's Department of Computer and Information Science provides a number of options for students interested in technology, including Computer Science, Applied Data Science, and Spatial Data Science and Technology.

6. Humanities: The College of Arts and Sciences at UO has a wide range of humanities programs, such as Comparative Literature, Classics, English, History, Philosophy, and many more.

7. Social and Behavioral Sciences: UO offers numerous majors within this field, including Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology, to name a few.

8. Education: The College of Education offers undergraduate programs like Educational Foundations and Family and Human Services.

As you can see, the University of Oregon offers a variety of academic opportunities across multiple disciplines. I'd recommend checking out their full list of majors ( to discover even more options. Additionally, you can explore the university's different colleges and schools to gain insight into their specific programs and learning environments.

Remember to consider your passions and goals during this exploration process, and reach out to UO's admissions office or faculty within your desired departments to ask questions or learn more about how each major could align with your long-term career aspirations. Good luck!

7 months ago

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