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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which university boasts the highest graduation rate?

Hey guys, I'm curious if anyone knows which university has the highest graduation rate? I'd like to consider applying there, since it seems like a place where students are successful. Thanks!

7 months ago

Princeton University currently holds the highest graduation rate among universities in the United States, with a remarkable 98.4% of its students graduating within 4 years. This high graduation rate indicates a strong commitment to student success, with ample resources and support systems available to help students complete their degrees.

However, before choosing to apply, it's essential to also consider factors such as the school's academic programs, size, location, campus culture, and financial aid offerings, as these aspects may have a significant impact on your overall college experience. While a high graduation rate is indicative of a university's commitment to its students' success, it's crucial to find a school that aligns with your personal goals and preferences.

7 months ago

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