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What's the average ACT score needed for ASU?

Hey everyone, I'm starting to look into colleges and I've had my eyes on Arizona State University. Does anyone know what the average ACT score for admitted students is? I want to see if I have a chance at getting in, and if not, how much I have to improve to increase my chances. Thanks!

7 months ago

Hello! Arizona State University (ASU) has a relatively good acceptance rate, so it's a fairly accessible college for many students. For ASU, the middle 50% ACT composite score range for admitted students is typically between 22 and 29. This means that about 25% of students score below a 22, and another 25% score above a 29.

While your ACT score is important, keep in mind that ASU also evaluates your high school GPA, course rigor, extracurricular activities, and other elements of your application. So, a strong overall application can help compensate for a lower ACT score. However, it's always a good idea to try improving your ACT score to increase your chances of admission, especially if you're close to or below the lower end of the middle 50% range. Good luck with your college search, and I hope this information helps!

7 months ago

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