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Cornell vs. Carnegie Mellon: Can you help me compare and decide?

Hey everyone, I've been doing some research on colleges and I'm having trouble deciding between Cornell and Carnegie Mellon. What are the pros and cons of each school? I'm planning to major in computer science if that helps.

7 months ago

Sure! Here's a comparison between Cornell and Carnegie Mellon, with a focus on their computer science programs:


Cornell University is located in Ithaca, New York - a smaller college town surrounded by beautiful natural scenery. The surrounding area provides plenty of outdoor recreational opportunities.

Carnegie Mellon University is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - a larger, more urban setting. The city offers more cultural activities, a robust job market, and a variety of professional opportunities.

Reputation and Rankings:

Both schools have excellent national and international reputations. While Cornell is an Ivy League school and generally holds a higher overall ranking, Carnegie Mellon specifically excels in computer science, often placing among the top CS programs in the nation.


Cornell's computer science curriculum in the College of Engineering allows for flexibility in choosing electives, enabling students to explore broader interests alongside computer science courses.

Carnegie Mellon's computer science program is housed within the School of Computer Science. It has a strong focus on the subject, and the curriculum is rigorous. There may be fewer opportunities to explore outside your major.

Research Opportunities:

Both Cornell and Carnegie Mellon offer ample undergraduate research opportunities. Being able to work with expert faculty in cutting-edge laboratories and within real-world projects presents students at both schools with valuable, resume-building experiences.

Campus Life:

Cornell has a well-rounded campus life, with Greek life, a variety of clubs and organizations, and strong athletic programs.

Carnegie Mellon's campus life also offers an array of clubs and organizations, but the emphasis on technology and sciences may give the campus a more focused, tech-driven atmosphere.

Career Prospects:

Both schools boast strong career services and have connections to top tech companies. Graduates from both computer science programs generally receive high starting salaries and have a good track record of finding job opportunities in the field.

In conclusion, both Cornell and Carnegie Mellon are excellent choices for their computer science programs. It ultimately depends on your personal preferences, such as location, campus life, and your future educational and career goals. Consider visiting both campuses, if possible, as this can help you gain a better understanding of the environment at each school before making your decision.

7 months ago

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