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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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GPA needed for University of Alabama?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and was wondering what GPA is typically required for admission to the University of Alabama. Can any current students or recent applicants share their insight on this?

7 months ago

The GPA needed for admission to the University of Alabama can vary depending on the competitiveness of the applicant pool and other factors during a given year. However, to give you a rough idea, the average high school GPA of admitted students in the past has been around 3.77 on a 4.0 scale (unweighted). Keep in mind that the middle 50% of admitted students typically have GPAs ranging from 3.4 to 3.9.

It's important to remember that the University of Alabama, like many universities, evaluates applications holistically. This means that they consider not only your GPA but also other factors such as standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, leadership positions, and personal essays, among others.

To improve your chances of admission, it's a good idea to maintain a strong GPA, take a rigorous course load, and demonstrate interests and achievements in extracurricular activities. In addition, make sure to submit compelling essays that showcase your unique perspective and experiences. Best of luck with your application!

7 months ago

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