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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Hinds Community College ACT requirements?

I'm considering applying to Hinds Community College but I'm not sure about their ACT requirements. What's the minimum ACT score they're looking for, if they have any requirement at all?

7 months ago

Hinds Community College is an open-admissions institution, which means they do not have strict ACT requirements for incoming students. You can still submit your ACT scores as part of your application, as they may be used to determine your placement in certain courses, but a minimum ACT score is not required for admission.

Instead, Hinds focuses on ensuring that students have a high school diploma or GED as their primary admissions criteria. Once you're admitted, you may need to take placement tests in subjects like math and English depending on your ACT scores, to help determine which classes you should enroll in to best fit your skill level, but the ACT is not an admissions requirement.

7 months ago

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