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Idaho vs EWU - Pros and Cons?

I'm trying to decide whether to apply to the University of Idaho or Eastern Washington University. Can anyone help me out with a comparison of the two, like pros and cons, academics, campus life, etc.?

7 months ago

Sure, let's break down some of the key factors to help you make an informed decision between the University of Idaho and Eastern Washington University:

1. Academics:

- University of Idaho (UI): UI has strong programs in engineering, agriculture, and natural resources. With a variety of academic majors and programs, the university is renowned for its research focus, offering undergraduate students plentiful research opportunities.

- Eastern Washington University (EWU): EWU is known for its education, business, and health sciences programs. They also have a supportive academic environment with a lower student-to-faculty ratio compared to UI.

2. Campus Life:

- UI: Located in the city of Moscow, UI has a traditionally structured campus with a welcoming college-town atmosphere. The campus is surrounded by picturesque natural beauty and offers various amenities, including recreational and sports facilities.

- EWU: Based in Cheney, EWU also features a college-town environment and is situated relatively close to Spokane, a larger city with additional opportunities for entertainment and internships. The campus is more compact and maintains a sense of community.

3. Size:

- UI: With a larger student body compared to EWU, UI provides a more diverse range of people to interact with, while still being conducive to forming connections.

- EWU: As a smaller university, EWU offers a more intimate atmosphere, allowing students to forge close relationships with their peers and professors.

4. Financial Aid and Cost:

- UI: As an out-of-state school for most students, tuition at UI may be higher for non-Idaho residents. However, financial aid and scholarships are available to help offset the cost.

- EWU: EWU may be a more affordable option for Washington residents and offers a range of financial aid and scholarship options for eligible students.

5. Athletics and School Spirit:

- UI: UI competes athletically at the NCAA Division I level, with football being a significant sport on campus. There is a strong sense of school spirit and pride at UI.

- EWU: EWU also competes in the NCAA Division I and has a good athletic program with strong school spirit. Football and basketball are popular sports at this university.

Both universities have their strengths and offer unique experiences. Consider which factors are most important to you, such as academic programs, campus life, financial considerations, and the overall atmosphere. Visit each campus, if possible, to get a feel for the environment. Good luck with your decision!

7 months ago

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