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Texas A&M requirements?

Hello everyone! I'm seriously considering applying to Texas A&M next year, but I'm not sure what the admission requirements are. Can someone clarify what I should be focusing on in terms of GPA, test scores, and extracurriculars? Thanks so much!

8 days ago

Hello! Texas A&M is an excellent school with a strong reputation, and it's great to hear that you're considering applying. While admission requirements can vary by major and college within Texas A&M, I'll provide you with some general guidelines.

1. GPA: Texas A&M reviews applications holistically, but a strong GPA is definitely an important factor. While there's no minimum GPA requirement, most admitted students have a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher. To increase your chances, aim for a solid academic performance throughout high school, especially in rigorous courses like AP or IB classes.

2. Test Scores: Texas A&M is currently test-optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle, which means you don't have to submit SAT or ACT scores if you choose not to. However, strong test scores can still help strengthen your application. If you decide to submit test scores, aim for an SAT score of 1230 or higher or an ACT score of 27 or higher, as these are around the 25th percentile for admitted students.

3. Extracurriculars: Texas A&M values students who are active in their communities and show leadership, dedication, and genuine passion in their activities. Focus on 8-10 meaningful extracurricular activities, prioritizing depth and quality over quantity. Be engaged and try to excel in areas that interest you, whether it's sports, community service, clubs, or artistic pursuits. Leadership roles and significant accomplishments are always a plus.

4. Essays: Spend time crafting thoughtful essays that showcase your personality, interests, and experiences. This is your opportunity to give the admissions committee insight into who you are beyond the numbers. Be genuine, reflective, and share a unique story that will make you stand out from other applicants.

Keep these factors in mind when preparing your application. Remember, Texas A&M uses a holistic review process, so every aspect of your application is considered. Best of luck, and Gig 'em!

8 days ago

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