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ISU vs UIC: Pros and Cons?

I'm trying to decide between Illinois State University and University of Illinois at Chicago. Can anyone provide some insight on the pros and cons of each, especially in terms of academics and campus life?

8 days ago

Sure! Here's a breakdown of the pros and cons of each university to help you make an informed decision:

Illinois State University (ISU):


1. Campus Community: ISU has a traditional college campus feel and is known for its friendly and close-knit community.

2. Strong Education and Business Programs: ISU is known for its nationally recognized College of Education and Business programs.

3. Campus Life: There are over 300 student organizations, numerous activities, as well as Division I athletics.

4. Location: ISU is in Normal, a college town that offers a slower pace and lower cost of living compared to Chicago.


1. Limited Diversity: ISU has less diversity compared to UIC in terms of international students, racial/ethnic background.

2. Limited Research: ISU is not a powerhouse research institution like UIC.

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC):


1. Research Opportunities: UIC is a large research university that offers strong STEM programs and opportunities for undergraduate research.

2. Chicago Location: Based in a major city, UIC provides opportunities to intern, network, and engage with various cultural events.

3. Diverse Campus: UIC has a diverse student body which often adds to a well-rounded college experience.

4. Comprehensive Health Sciences Campus: UIC is the largest medical school in the United States and has a strong presence in the healthcare field.


1. Urban Campus: UIC is located in an urban setting, which may not appeal to those looking for a traditional college campus experience.

2. Safety Concerns: Due to its location, there may be safety concerns; however, UIC has a solid campus police force and provides various safety resources.

3. Cost: Living expenses in Chicago can be significantly higher than in Normal.

In terms of academics, UIC generally offers more research opportunities and stronger STEM programs, while ISU is known for education and business. Campus life at ISU may feel more like a traditional college experience, with a wide range of activities and a close-knit community, while UIC's urban location offers cultural exposure, networking, and internship opportunities.

Ultimately, your decision should depend on your personal preferences, academic goals, and the kind of college environment you're seeking. It's a great idea to visit both campuses if possible to get a sense of the atmosphere and community. Good luck with your decision!

8 days ago

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