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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does Questbridge work with Early Decision?

Hi everyone! I've been looking into the Questbridge program, and I'm confused about how it connects with Early Decision applications. Is it binding like the Early Decision process? Thanks for any information!

a year ago

Hi there! Questbridge is a fantastic program that connects talented low-income students with top colleges. It's great that you're considering it! The Questbridge National College Match is similar to the Early Decision process in that it can be binding. However, there are some differences.

When you rank colleges through Questbridge, you can list up to 12 schools in order of preference. If you're matched with a college on your list, it is binding (unless you have an exception for financial reasons) and you'll receive a full four-year scholarship. You won't need to apply to other colleges or submit Early Decision applications.

Keep in mind that if you are not matched with a school through Questbridge, you'll still have the opportunity to apply to them through Questbridge Regular Decision, which is non-binding. Some schools may also allow you to apply for Early Decision or Early Action during this second round.

I hope this clears up your confusion and good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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