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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is traveling an extracurricular?

Hi everyone, I'm in 11th grade and I recently saw another post where someone was saying that they considered their traveling experiences as an extracurricular. Is that possible? And if so, how do you list it on your common application? I'm an avid traveler and I've been to over 20 countries with my family, where I've picked up new languages and gained a lot of global perspectives. Can I actually include this in my college application?

a year ago

Hi there! I understand your curiosity about including traveling as an extracurricular activity on your college applications. It's certainly possible to include traveling, especially if you can demonstrate how these experiences have enriched your life and contributed to your growth as an individual.

When listing traveling as an extracurricular, it's crucial to focus on the specific skills, knowledge, and personal development you've gained from these experiences. For example, you mentioned that you've learned new languages and gained global perspectives. These are valuable traits that colleges would likely appreciate.

On the common application, you could list traveling under the 'Activities' section. Make sure to provide a brief description of how traveling has positively impacted your life, focusing on the relevant skills you've acquired. For example, you could mention basic fluency in multiple languages or describe a unique volunteer experience during one of your trips. This way, you're not just listing 'travel' but showing how it has been a meaningful and formative part of your life. Good luck!

a year ago

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