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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is Early Decision II still binding?

Hey guys, I'm considering applying to a school through their Early Decision II process, but I'm wondering if it's still binding like the first Early Decision cycle. Can someone confirm this for me? Thanks a lot!

a year ago

Hi there! Yes, Early Decision II is still binding, just like the regular Early Decision cycle. If you are accepted through any Early Decision process, including ED II, you are expected to enroll at that college, withdrawing any applications you've submitted to other schools.

One of the main differences between ED I and ED II is the deadline for submission. Early Decision II typically has a later application deadline, giving students more time to prepare their applications and make a well-informed decision about their top-choice school.

However, I would advise that you only apply Early Decision (whether ED I or ED II) if you're absolutely sure that the college is your first choice and you're prepared to accept any financial aid package offered. Remember, if accepted, it's a binding agreement!

Best of luck with your application and decision-making process! :)

a year ago

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