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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What is the difference between Early Action and Regular Decision?

Hi everyone! I'm trying to make a plan for my college applications, but I'm a bit confused about the differences between Early Action and Regular Decision. Can anyone help me better understand them?

a year ago

Hi there! Navigating the college application process can be overwhelming, but I'm happy to help you understand the difference between Early Action (EA) and Regular Decision (RD).

Early Action is an option that allows you to submit your application earlier than the Regular Decision deadline, usually around November. An advantage to EA is you'll receive your decision (accept, reject, or defer to RD) much sooner, typically by December or January. With EA, you're not committed to attend if accepted, which means you can still apply to and compare offers from other schools.

Regular Decision applications are usually due around January, and decisions come out around March or April. This is the standard process most college applicants use. Regular Decision gives you more time to prepare your applications, but you will have less time between receiving decisions and committing to a school (usually May 1).

Ultimately, the choice between EA and RD depends on your individual situation and whether or not you like the idea of applying and hearing back early. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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