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College costs in Texas

Hi there! I'm thinking about applying to a few colleges in Texas. Can someone give me a general idea of how much college costs in Texas, including tuition, room, and board? Thanks!

a month ago

Sure! College costs in Texas can vary depending on whether you're looking at public or private institutions and whether you're an in-state or out-of-state student. Here are some examples to give you a general idea:

Public Universities (In-State Resident):

1. University of Texas at Austin: Tuition & fees are about $11,000 per year. Room & board is approximately $12,000 per year. So, the total cost per year is around $23,000.

2. Texas A&M University: Tuition & fees are about $12,000 per year. Room & board is approximately $10,000 per year. The total cost per year is around $22,000.

Public Universities (Out-of-State Resident):

1. University of Texas at Austin: Tuition & fees are about $38,000 per year. Room & board remains around $12,000 per year. The total cost per year is about $50,000.

2. Texas A&M University: Tuition & fees are around $38,000 per year. Room & board remains around $10,000 per year. The total cost per year is about $48,000.

Private Universities:

1. Rice University: Tuition & fees are approximately $53,000 per year. Room & board is around $14,000 per year. The total cost per year is about $67,000.

2. Southern Methodist University: Tuition & fees are approximately $58,000 per year. Room & board is around $17,000 per year. The total cost per year is about $75,000.

Keep in mind these are just general figures and can vary depending on the specific college and any financial aid, scholarships, or grants you receive. To get a more accurate estimate for each school you're considering, visit their respective websites and check out their net price calculator. This will give you a personalized estimate of costs, factoring in your family income and financial aid.

a month ago

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