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What are the academic requirements for Harvard?

I know Harvard has really high standards, and I'm wondering what I should be aiming for as a high school junior. Does anyone know their GPA, course, and test score requirements to be competitive for admission?

7 days ago

Harvard University is well-known for its rigorous academic standards and highly competitive admission process. While there isn't a set formula for gaining admission, there are some general academic benchmarks that can help you gauge your standing.

1. GPA: Although Harvard doesn't have a minimum GPA requirement, most successful applicants have a weighted GPA of 4.0 or higher. Unweighted GPAs should be around 3.8 or higher. Keep in mind that Harvard reviews applications on a holistic basis, so a slightly lower GPA can be compensated for with other achievements.

2. Course rigor: The more academically challenging your high school curriculum is, the better your chances at Harvard. You should strive to take the most rigorous course load available at your high school, which may include a mix of AP, IB, or Honors courses that demonstrate your commitment to academic excellence.

3. Test scores: Although some highly selective schools are still test-optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle, Harvard requires SAT or ACT scores for all applicants. Competitive applicants typically achieve scores in the following ranges:

- SAT: 1460-1570 (Harvard's middle 50% range in 2023 admissions)

- ACT: 33-35 (generally the range for successful applicants)

Keep in mind that these ranges give you an idea of where you should aim, but having scores within or above these ranges doesn't guarantee admission.

4. Extracurriculars: Harvard values students who have demonstrated exceptional passion or achievement in extracurricular activities, such as research, community service, and leadership.

5. Essays and recommendations: High-quality essays and strong letters of recommendation are essential for standing out among other highly-qualified applicants. Make sure your essays are unique, well-structured, and reflective of your genuine interests and values. Secure recommendation letters from teachers or mentors who can speak to your academic and personal accomplishments.

Admission to Harvard is highly competitive, and there's no exact formula for getting in. However, by aiming for academic excellence and a well-rounded application, you can increase your chances of being considered for admission. Good luck!

7 days ago

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