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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Drexel University tuition - any insights?

Hi all! I'm considering Drexel University, but I'm having trouble finding info about the tuition and fees. Can someone help me out with the cost of attendance? Are there any resources to help cover the expenses if I do end up applying? Thanks!

8 days ago

Hi! Drexel University's tuition and fees for the 2024-2025 academic year are as follows:

- Full-time undergraduate tuition: $60,042 per year

- General university fees: $2,370 per year

- Room and board (average, dependent on housing & meal plan): $16,760 per year

This brings the total estimated cost of attendance to approximately $79,172 per year. Keep in mind that these figures are subject to change, and you should verify the costs on Drexel's website.

Regarding financial assistance, Drexel does offer both need-based and merit-based financial aid to help cover college-related expenses. To apply for need-based aid, you'll need to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as well as the CSS Profile. The deadlines to submit these forms typically fall in early spring; make sure to check the specific dates on Drexel's website.

For merit-based aid, Drexel has several scholarship opportunities, such as the Liberty Scholars Program and the AJ Drexel Scholarship. You'll automatically be considered for certain merit-based scholarships upon applying to the university, but others may require separate applications. Additional private scholarships and grants can also help to cover the costs, so consider extensively searching for opportunities available to you.

Make use of Drexel's Net Price Calculator to get a better understanding of the financial aid you might qualify for based on your financial situation. The calculator can give you a rough estimate of what the final cost might be for you after factoring in financial aid.

Best of luck in your search for financial resources, and I hope this information helps you make a well-informed decision about Drexel University!

8 days ago

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