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Cal Poly Pomona vs UC Riverside: Which one should I choose?

Hey guys! I'm having a hard time deciding between Cal Poly Pomona and UC Riverside. Can anyone give me some insights on the notable differences between these two? Thanks in advance!

8 days ago

Hello! It can definitely be a tough choice when deciding between two good schools. I'll try to point out some of the notable differences between Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) and UC Riverside (UCR) to help you make an informed decision.

Cal Poly Pomona:

1. Location: Located in Pomona, California, CPP offers a suburban setting. It's approximately 30 miles away from Los Angeles, giving students access to city amenities when desired.

2. Academic Focus: CPP is known for its polytechnic learning approach, emphasizing hands-on and practical applications of various fields, especially in STEM, agriculture, and business disciplines.

3. Campus Culture: The campus life at CPP is commuter-heavy, and the school tends to focus more on academics than social events. Greek life is present but not predominant.

4. Size: CPP's overall student population is smaller than UCR, allowing for a more intimate campus feel.

UC Riverside:

1. Location: Situated in Riverside, California, the school offers a suburban environment with access to the Inland Empire and is within an hour from Los Angeles, Orange County, and Palm Springs.

2. Academic Diversity: UCR has a broader range of academic offerings, including strong programs in liberal arts and humanities in addition to STEM fields. It's part of the prestigious UC system and is known for its research opportunities.

3. Campus Life: UCR has a more active campus culture, including Greek life, and a wide array of social events and involvement opportunities to cultivate student interaction.

4. Division 1 Athletics: UCR competes in NCAA Division 1 athletics, which may be appealing if you're interested in participating in or attending college-level sporting events.

Both schools are well-regarded, but the decision ultimately depends on which factors are most important to you. Consider your major, interests, and the campus atmosphere you prefer when making your choice. You may also want to factor in financial aid offers and visit both campuses if possible to get a better sense of where you'd feel more comfortable. Good luck with your decision!

8 days ago

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