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Florida Atlantic University Tuition Per Semester?

Hey, all! I'm researching Florida Atlantic University and am curious about their tuition. Does anyone know how much their tuition is per semester? Any info on financial aid options would be super helpful as well!

a month ago

The tuition for Florida Atlantic University (FAU) varies based on factors such as residency status, credits, and program type. For undergraduate residents, tuition and fees during the academic year 2024-2025 are approximately $2,887 per semester (12-17 credits); for non-residents, the estimate is around $7,415 per semester. Keep in mind that these amounts are for tuition and fees only, and do not include housing, meals, or other expenses.

Regarding financial aid, FAU offers a variety of options, such as federal and state grants, work-study opportunities, loans, and scholarships. To start the process, it's crucial that you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after October 1st of your senior year of high school. This will allow you to be considered for federal, state, and institutional aid.

In addition to need-based financial aid, FAU offers several merit-based scholarships that require applications, such as the Presidential Scholarship, the Freshman Academic Scholarship, the Freshman Achievement Scholarship, and more. These scholarships may cover varying amounts of tuition, ranging from partial to full coverage, depending on the scholarship and your qualifications.

Remember to also explore external scholarships, which can be found through local organizations, companies, associations, and websites like CollegeVine’s scholarship page. Some popular ones include the Bright Futures scholarship for Florida residents or national scholarships like the Coca-Cola Scholars Program.

Don't forget that deadlines, eligibility requirements, and award amounts may change over time, so always double-check with FAU's website or contact their financial aid office for the most recent information.

a month ago

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