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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Community service hours: How many are enough?

Hi all, I'm a high school junior and I've been volunteering at a local food bank for the past couple of years. I'm not sure if I have enough community service hours under my belt to impress colleges. How many hours would be considered a good amount for college applications? Thanks for your guidance!

a year ago

Hi there! Great job on being dedicated to community service throughout high school! Colleges appreciate students who show commitment to their communities and a genuine desire to help others. In terms of the number of hours, what really matters is the consistency and depth of your engagement, rather than a specific number.

However, to give you a general idea, many high schools require students to complete around 40-50 hours of community service to graduate. If you can achieve 100 or more hours of service, it would be considered quite impressive on college applications. But remember, it's important to also demonstrate your passion for the cause and the impact you made.

If you feel that you need more hours, consider joining or starting a service club at your school or seeking additional volunteer opportunities in your community. Moreover, check out the CollegeVine blog post on the importance of community service hours and strategies for increasing engagement (

Best of luck, and keep up the great work!

a year ago

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